GCT PUNE SPL 01432 train running status

Runs On - ThuSun
StationScheduled TimeActualDelay
Ghazipur City (GCT)
0 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
No Delay
Aunrihar Jn (ARJ)
41 km (day 1)
7 intermediate stations
No Delay
Jaunpur Jn (JNU)
99 km (day 1)
11 intermediate stations
17 min
Varanasi Jn (BSB)
157 km (day 1)
23 intermediate stations
1 hr 10 min
Prayagraj Allahabad Cheoki Junction (PCOI)
313 km (day 1)
12 intermediate stations
No Delay
Manikpur Jn (MKP)
405 km (day 1)
11 intermediate stations
No Delay
Satna (STA)
482 km (day 1)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Maihar (MYR)
518 km (day 1)
7 intermediate stations
No Delay
Katni (KTE)
581 km (day 1)
11 intermediate stations
No Delay
Madan Mahal (MML)
675 km (day 1)
8 intermediate stations
No Delay
Narsinghpur (NU)
756 km (day 1)
8 intermediate stations
No Delay
Pipariya (PPI)
849 km (day 2)
31 intermediate stations
No Delay
Khandwa (KNW)
1100 km (day 2)
18 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bhusaval Jn (BSL)
1224 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Jalgaon Jn (JL)
1248 km (day 2)
19 intermediate stations
No Delay
Manmad Jn (MMR)
1407 km (day 2)
20 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ahmadnagar (ANG)
1560 km (day 2)
7 intermediate stations
No Delay
Daund Chord Line (DDCC)
1642 km (day 2)
12 intermediate stations
No Delay
Pune Jn (PUNE)
1715 km (day 2)
No Delay

GCT PUNE SPL 01432 live running status & days of operation

GCT PUNE SPL (01432) runs from Ghazipur City (GCT) to Ghorpuri Transh (Ghorpuri Transh).It has classes second ac (2A), third ac (3A), sleeper (SL).It is not a superfast train and covers a distance of 1718 kms in 24 hr 0 min.This train runs on Thu, Sun.It has 236 halts.This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car.Final chart for 01432 is prepared usually 3-4 hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning.

Average delay of 01432 GCT PUNE SPL

GCT PUNE SPL departs from Ghazipur City at 04:20 am with an average delay of No Delay and arrives at at 16:18 pm with an average delay of No Delay.The average delay of 01432 is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days.You can also check PNR status for tickets booked in GCT PUNE SPL.