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      PNR Status Check

      PNR Status tells the latest seat berth status of passenger in Indian Railways i.e. whether passenger has got confirmed reservation, Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) or the passenger is in waiting list. For waiting list or rac passengers, pnr status might change to confirmed in future if other passengers on this trip cancel their journey. For passengers who have cancelled their trip, it is shown as Can/Mod. Train PNR status also tells the origin station, boarding point, destination station, travel class, quota and charting status. Once final chart is prepared, the indian railway PNR status live freezes and does not change after that.

      PNR status- Why is it important?

      It is a record in the Indian Railways database that stores the journey details for a passenger or a group of passengers. The Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) also keeps track of information such as passengers' current PNR status, availability of berths in all classes for the next 60 days, and static inquiries such as Train Between Important Stations, Reservations Rules, Fares, Refund, and Rules, and so on

      The PNR number is typically printed in the upper left corner of printed tickets. The E-Ticket is mentioned at the top in a separate cell. Passengers' personal information, such as name, age, gender, and so on, is saved in the database in conjunction with this reference number. It has columns for storing the booking status and the current status of the ticket.

      Because every train has a limited number of seats, it is possible that you will not receive a confirmed reserved ticket. When there is any availability of reserved seats due to cancellation, the current status of such a waitlist (W/L) ticket changes. PNR live status gives all the details in real-time to help you make informed decisions while booking train tickets online.


      Check PNR status online

      You can now easily check PNR status in real time by using the Trainman online PNR live status system. Get an instant PNR status update for your train ticket booking online.

      Enter the 10-digit PNR number found on the top left corner of a train ticket and go to the "PNR Status" button. It will return your train ticket's accurate PNR status as well as waitlist prediction updates.

      Trainman keeps you informed about your PNR status prior to your train journey, allowing you to make an informed decision.

      Download the Trainman App(available for both iOS and Android) to check PNR status on your mobile device and take advantage of other useful features and offers while booking train tickets online.


      What does a PNR number explain?

      PNR number holds various information related to the train journey.

      • Passenger Details - Name, Age, Sex, Birth Preference
      • Ticket Details - Train Number, Date of Journey, Origin/Source Station, Destination Station, Boarding Station, Class, Berth, Quota
      • Fare, Transaction Type and Payment Details
      • First 3 digits tell us from which Passenger Reservation System or PRS the ticket has been booked.
      • First digit depends on the Zone of the Train, w.r.t. starting station of the train.
      • Zonal Codes - 1 (SCR Secunderabad PRS); 2, 3 (NR, NCR, NWR, NER New Delhi PRS); 4, 5 (SR, SWR, SCR Chennai PRS); 6, 7 (NFR, ECR, ER, ECoR, SER, SECR Calcutta PRS); 8, 9 (CR, WCR, WR Mumbai PRS)
      • Last seven digits are randomly generated numbers using the Rand() function. These numbers represent no information about the ticket or journey as such. They only provide an unique identity to the PNR number.

      When to check PNR status?

      It is important to check your PNR status after train ticket booking online. Your PNR status will tell you whether the ticket has been confirmed, on waiting list (WL) or is under reservation against cancellation (RAC). It provides details of the coach and seat number, class of travel, chart status, train name, train number, booking status, current status, journey time and fare apart from the basic information about arrival and departure time of trains.

      How many days can we check PNR status?

      The validity of the PNR expires when the journey is completed. Once the train arrives at the destination station, the PNR becomes meaningless, and no further journeys with the same PNR are possible. However, the PNR number is stored for nine months in the database of Indian Railways (CRIS)


      How to check PNR status on Mobile?

      Download Trainman's app available for both iOS and Android and receive real-time updates on your PNR Status Enquiry. You will also have access to your reservation booking status, platform number, coach position, and other information.

      Follow these steps to check PNR status through mobile app online-

      • Download Trainman's mobile app(with over 10m + users)
      • Sign up or log in with your credentials(So that we keep updating you with all the latest discounts and offers)
      • Go to checking PNR status
      • Enter your 10-digit PNR number

      That's it!! You are all done

      PNR Homepage
      Enter PNR Number
      PNR Page

      How to check PNR status with passenger name?

      To put it simply, it is not possible to know live PNR status online with a passenger name. One can simply take the 10-digit code and go to Trainman PNR status to check their PNR status online. Additionally, we tell, with 95% accuracy, if you have confirmed train tickets online or not.

      How to check PNR status with SMS?

      Along with checking your PNR status online through the Trainman app, you can also check PNR status online through mobile SMS.

      • PNR status checks for railway reservation using SMS/phone: SMS PNR and send to "139" Format: PNR 10-digit-PNR-Number or call 139 and follow the steps.
      • PNR Status Enquiry at railway station counters
      • Final reservation charts (made live 1 hour before the train departure)

      Here's an example-

      • SMS Number 139
      • Text Message PNR 10-Digit-PNR-Number
      • Example PNR 1234567890
      • Explanation Send SMS to number 139 with text as PNR 1234567890
      Check PNR status with SMS

      Will my PNR be confirmed?

      Because there are only a limited number of seats available on a train, it is not possible to provide a confirmed train ticket online for every booking. When tickets are available, the train ticket booking system displays CNF (Confirmed) and RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation) status, and subsequent bookings display waitlisted status. Only if a CNF/RAC ticket is cancelled will waitlisted tickets be confirmed in order.

      Tracking Indian Railway PNR status live is especially important if you have a waitlisted ticket. Other travel information such as coach number, berth number, and berth type are only provided if the booked ticket status is Confirmed (CNF). Trainman's predictability feature comes to your rescue by predicting the most accurate PNR status live results with 95% accuracy.


      PNR Status Prediction Analysis

      When you book train tickets online, you may or may not receive a confirmed ticket status. You may also receive a wait list or RAC ticket. Aside from checking the train PNR status on a regular basis, a new feature called trainman's PNR prediction informs you of the likelihood of ticket confirmation. It has been found to be 95 percent accurate the majority of the time, and it is supported by data analysis. Using this feature on the Trainman website and the Android app, you can estimate whether or not your wait list or RAC ticket will be confirmed.

      Trainman PNR prediction will assist you in predicting your chances of receiving confirmed tickets. Predictions are made using data analytics and machine learning techniques and are based on a variety of factors such as previous booking and cancellation trends, station quotas, days of the week, seasonality, holidays, and so on.

      Generally, waiting list PNR Status has very few chances of being confirmed during peak seasons such as Durga puja (Dussehra), Diwali, Chhath, Holi, and so on. This is due to the high number of commuters who travel to their hometowns. Even during the busiest months, flight and bus ticket prices skyrocket.

      Trainman PNR live status allows you to check your PNR's current status as well as the likelihood of having your PNR status confirmed.

      Types of PNR status

      When you book your tickets, you will receive a variety of PNR live status. Each denotes the status of your train ticket reservations. Some of the abbreviations are as follows:

      • CNF - If you read this on your live PNR status, you've got a 'Confirmed' ticket.
      • RAC - 'Reservation Against Cancellation' meaning that you are likely to get a reservation in case someone cancels to travel. You can board the train though
      • WL - 'Waiting List' meaning that you're lined up to get a confirmed ticket only if one decides to cancel their booking. If the chart has been prepared and your PNR status still says WL, you cannot board the train. There are other types of waiting lists as well including GNWL (General Waitlist), TQWL (Tatkal Waitlist), PQWL (Pooled Quota Waitlist), RLWL (Remote Location Waitlist), and NOSB (No Seat Berth)
      • CAN - Ticket Cancelled.

      The 10-digit PNR number can tell you all about your reservation status. This can further enhance your understanding and let you book dorms and meals on trains according to that. Don't forget to check your PNR live status after train ticket booking online.


      PNR Status Confirmation Of Waitlist Tickets

      • GNWL (General Waiting List) - Highest confirmation chances
      • TQWL (Tatkal Waiting List) - GNWL tickets are preferred over Tatkal tickets hence TQWL Confirmation chances are low compared to GNWL
      • RLWL (Remote Location Waiting List) - Less chances of confirmation
      • PQWL (Pooled Quota Waiting List) - Less chances of confirmation, quota shared between several stations
      • RLGN (Remote Location General Waiting List) - Less chances of confirmation, when user books ticket under RLWL
      • RQWL (Request Waiting List) - Less chances of confirmation
      • RSWL (Roadside Station Waiting List) - Less chances of confirmation

      PNR Status Enquiry Quick Facts

      • What is PNR in an e-ticket? - Passenger Name Record
      • Length of PNR no. - 10 Digits (Only Numeric form)
      • Meaning of first 3 digits of your PNR - Passenger Reservation System, usually referred to as PRS, from which the ticket has been booked.
      • Meaning of last 7 digits of your PNR - The last seven digits are randomly generated by the system.
      • Validity period of a PNR number - A PNR number is valid for 9 months after which it is flushed. The same PNR number can be generated after a year.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. Where can I find the PNR number on my ticket?

      Every PNR Number contains a wealth of information about the journey and the passenger. Because each ticket contains its own information, each PNR number is distinct. PNR Number information includes ticket booking status (confirmed/waiting list/canceled), departure and arrival time, train details, seat number, fare paid by the passenger for the seat, payment method, and so on.

      When you book a train ticket online through the Trainman ticket booking website, you are given a 10-digit PNR Number.

      • For Tickets booked via NGET or PRS reservation counters: PNR is printed on the upper left-hand side of the ticket. This 10-digit number is used to check PNR status.
      • train ticket
      • For E-Tickets: When you reserve your railway ticket through Trainman's official website, then the PNR number allocated is sent through SMS on the registered mobile number and e-mail ID provided at the time of ticket reservation process. When you print your ticket, then the PNR is printed on the upper left-hand side in a specific column just above the transaction ID.
      • Counter train ticket

      Note- You can easily check your PNR Live Status online to know your ticket confirmation details.

      2. Is PNR number allotted to unreserved tickets?

      PNR number is allotted only to reserved tickets. For unreserved no PNR number is allotted as can be seen in the images below. This is because railway does not reserve any berth or seat in this case and passenger can sit or stand anywhere in his designated coach inside the train.

      Counter train ticket
      3. How is a PNR number generated?

      Book your train ticket online with us, and you'd be provided with your PNR number along with complete train details.

      Every PNR number, as previously stated, has ten digits. The first three digits of a PNR number represent the Passenger Reservation System, or PRS, from which the passenger's ticket was issued. The first digit represents the Railway Zone from which the train departs. The remaining seven digits are generated at random to make your PNR number unique.

      A fun fact- Indian Railways issue the most PNR numbers in a single day in the world. It issued over 200 million tickets in 2015, making it the world's largest train ticket issuing organization.

      Zones from which PNR is issued-

      There are several zones of the Indian Railways from which the PNR is issued.

      • NR: Northern Railways
      • NER: North Eastern Railways
      • NFR: Northeast Frontier Railways
      • ER: Eastern Railways
      • SER: South Eastern Railways
      • SCR: South Central Railways
      • SR: Southern Railways
      • CR: Central Railways
      • WR: Western Railways
      • SWR: South Western Railways
      • NWR: North Western Railways
      • WCR: West Central Railways
      • NCR: North Central Railways
      • SECR: South East Central Railways
      • ECoR: East Coast Railways
      • ECR: East Central Railways
      4. How can I check PNR status live?

      Enter your 10-digit railway PNR number on Trainman site or Trainman app and click "PNR Status" button. You will see the current status of your PNR along with confirmation chances, departure-arrival timings, platform number, coach position, delay status and historical trends. You can also check PNR status on CRIS maintained Indian Railway website http://www.indianrail.gov.in/enquiry/PnrEnquiry.html or on irctc website https://www.irctc.co.in .

      5. I have a valid ticket. Do I need to carry any other documents as proof of my travel in the train?

      The passenger is not required to give any input of the photo identity card details of any of the passengers while booking a train ticket. However s/he shall have to carry and show one of the following identity cards of any of the passengers in original while traveling.

      The following photo identity cards are considered valid.

      • Passport.
      • Voter photo identity card issued by Election Commission of India.
      • Driving License issued by RTO
      • Pan Card issued by the Income Tax Department.
      • Photo Identity card having serial number issued by Central / State Government.
      • Student Identity Card with photograph issued by a recognized School/College for their students.
      • Nationalized Bank Passbook with photographs.
      • Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photographs.
      • Unique Identification Card "Aadhaar”, m-Aadhaar, e-Aadhaar.
      • Photo identity cards having serial numbers issued by public sector Undertakings of State/Central Government, District Administrations, Municipal bodies and Panchayat Administrations.
      • Passenger showing the Aadhaar/Driving License from the “Issued Document” section by logging into his/her DigiLocker account considered as valid proof of identity (Documents uploaded by the user i.e. the document in “Uploaded Document” section will not be considered as a valid proof of identity).
      6. PNR And Train Charting

      Train charting is typically completed four hours before the train's scheduled departure. When a passenger purchases a train ticket, the PNR number, as well as the ticket's status, is recorded in the database. This number is saved and used to prepare a chart for the trip's departure date. The total PNRs for a specific train are grouped, and a chart for the coaches is created. This chart includes a list of passengers as well as their contact information. The waitlist and RAC tickets are not included in the list.

      7. How are PNR Status and train charting related?

      PNR numbers are linked to chart preparation rules because they play an important role in the final chart preparation of the train. This chart is pasted on the train's exterior wall and contains information such as the PNR number, the passenger's name, age, and gender, the train number, the coach number, and the seat berth number.

      Features of Trainman PNR Live Status

      • Check PNR live status update
      • Get PNR status prediction with chances of the prediction
      • Coach position and seat number
      • Passenger details
      • Journey details
      8. Is there an app to check PNR Live Status or Train Seat Availability on mobile?

      Download the Trainman app available for both iOS and Android and check your PNR, live running status seamlessly.

      Here are the steps-

      • Sign-up with your credentials after downloading the Trainman app for your preferred platform
      • Locate PNR status or train seat availability
      • Enter your 10-digit PNR number or Train no. to check your seat availability status online
      • Trainman is the most trusted and official online ticket booking platform. With over 10mn+ downloads, it is now the highest rated train ticket booking app.
      9. My train PNR status is showing booking status WL/17/GN, but current status is showing CNF. Did my ticket get confirmed?
      The current status field tells the latest status. Since under current status it is showing CNF, therefore your ticket has got confirmed.
      10. My Live current status enquiry shows RAC/20/GN. What does this mean?
      This means your ticket is in RAC status i.e. you will have to share your berth with some other person in the train. However, on chart preparation your PNR status might upgrade to CNF or confirm where you will get a full dedicated berth all for yourself.
      11. Status of my train ticket PNR enquiry is CNF/B1/16/NC. Does that mean my ticket is confirmed or not?
      Your ticket is confirmed and you have been allotted berth no 16 in coach B1 which is a third ac coach.
      12. PNR status check for railway ticket is showing the current status as PQWL/5. Will it confirm or not? What should I do?
      Your ticket is in the pooled quota waiting list. You can check the confirmation chances on the Trainman site or app and plan your trip accordingly.
      13. How does Trainman do train PNR status prediction of waitlisted tickets with such high accuracy?

      When booking a ticket on the Indian Railway network, there is a good chance that you will be given a waitlisted ticket. When all RAC seats have been sold, passengers are given Waiting List tickets.

      If you are on the Waiting List, your chances of getting a confirmed seat are dependent on other passengers cancelling their tickets. Other passengers' ticket cancellations will increase your chances of getting confirmed tickets.

      To make everything seamless, Trainman has created a cutting-edge algorithm that employs a technique known as Machine Learning. It analyses the ticket confirmation statistics from previous PNRs and predicts the confirmation chances of new PNRs based on this. Confirmed PNRs, rac PNRs, and waiting list PNRs with high confirmation chances are shown in green , medium confirmation chances are shown in yellow , and low confirmation chances are shown in red .

      14. Does checking PNR status let me know the passenger name, age or gender?
      You cannot get personal details like name, age and gender by pnr status enquiry on indian railway website due to privacy concerns. However, a person who has booked the ticket can see these details if he logs to irctc website using his same username and password and pnr enquiry there.
      15. Are these PNR numbers ever reused?
      A week after journey date, the status changes to "pnr flushed" for all Indian Railway pnr. Nine months after this time, they can be reused for new train journeys.
      16. What happens if my railway PNR remains waitlisted after chart preparation?
      PNRs that remain in fully waitlisted mode after chart preparation are automatically cancelled if booked through IRCTC and must be cancelled at reservation counters for tickets booked through PRS counters. A small clerkage of Rs.60 is deducted per passenger.
      17. I have lost my train ticket but I remember my PNR number. Can I still travel?
      If a passenger has booked an e-ticket from IRCTC website and forgets to take the e-ticket print out but remembers the PNR number then there is no problem provided the passenger has a valid id proof. online ticket booking sms is also allowed in place of ticket print out. On missing both print out and sms, a penalty of Rs.50 per ticket can be levied by TTE. However for counter tickets passenger needs to carry both original ticket and a valid id proof. If one has lost the ticket but remembers PNR number, a duplicate ticket can be requested from railway reservation counters.
      18. I booked a ticket in sleeper (SL) class but my ticket has been upgraded to third ac (3A). Can class get upgraded for any railway PNR?
      Railways can upgrade your ticket and provide alternate accommodation in higher class subject to vacancy if the passenger has opted for upgradation while booking ticket. Keeping in mind passenger's convenience, upgradation if done, is done for all the passengers in the ticket. Therefore, next time if you see your berths in an AC coach on checking pnr status despite booking in sleeper, don't panic but consider yourself lucky!
      19. Live pnr status is showing that the train is cancelled. How can a train get cancelled. Will I be getting refund?

      Under unavoidable circumstances, the live running status of train may changed to cancelled. One can check pnr status on Trainman to find if the train is cancelled or not. For such cases, ticket booked on IRCTC is automatically cancelled and entire booking amount is refunded back. Passenger does not need to file TDR in such cases. However, if passenger cancels the ticket on their own, then the usual cancellation rules apply.

      PNR (Passenger Name Record) is a 10-digit number allotted to each indian railway ticket. A passenger can check train PNR status and do railway enquiry on Trainman for tickets booked on IRCTC. Along with PNR status, Trainman also does PNR prediction for waiting list train tickets. This reservation status freezes on chart preparation which happens nearly 4 hours before train departure. This means that PNR status does not change after chart preparation. Passengers having confirmed or RAC PNR are allotted berths. Tickets booked on IRCTC which have wait-listed status are cancelled automatically. For few lucky passengers, the travel class is upgraded for same PNR if accommodation is available in a higher class. For example a passenger having reserved berth in sleeper class can get upgraded to third ac without any extra fare

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