GOLGUMBAZ EXP 16536 train running status

Runs Daily
StationScheduled TimeActualDelay
Pandharpur (PVR)
0 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
1 min
Kurduvadi (KWV)
53 km (day 1)
9 intermediate stations
7 min
Solapur Jn (SUR)
132 km (day 1)
9 intermediate stations
No Delay
Indi Road (IDR)
190 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Vijayapura (BJP)
241 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bagevadi Rd (BSRX)
285 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Almatti (LMT)
302 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bagalkot (BGK)
337 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Guledagudda Rd (GED)
350 km (day 1)
No Delay
Badami (BDM)
364 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Hole Alur (HLAR)
383 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Gadag Jn (GDG)
431 km (day 1)
12 intermediate stations
No Delay
Hubli Jn (UBL)
489 km (day 1)
9 intermediate stations
No Delay
Haveri (HVR)
564 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ranibennur (RNR)
596 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Harihar (HRR)
619 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Davangere (DVG)
633 km (day 2)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Chikjajur Jn (JRU)
679 km (day 2)
8 intermediate stations
No Delay
Birur Jn (RRB)
747 km (day 2)
4 intermediate stations
No Delay
Arsikere Jn (ASK)
792 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Tiptur (TTR)
818 km (day 2)
10 intermediate stations
No Delay
Tumkur (TK)
888 km (day 2)
11 intermediate stations
No Delay
Yesvantpur Jn (YPR)
952 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bengaluru City Jn (SBC)
958 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Kengeri (KGI)
970 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bidadi (BID)
987 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ramanagaram (RMGM)
1002 km (day 2)
No Delay
Channapatna (CPT)
1013 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Maddur (MAD)
1032 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Mandya (MYA)
1051 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Pandavapura (PANP)
1076 km (day 2)
6 intermediate stations
No Delay
Mysore Jn (MYS)
1096 km (day 2)
No Delay

GOLGUMBAZ EXP 16536 live running status & days of operation

GOLGUMBAZ EXP (16536) runs from Pandharpur (PVR) to Mysore Jn (Mysore Jn).It has classes first ac (1A), second ac (2A), third ac (3A), sleeper (SL).It is not a superfast train and covers a distance of 1098 kms in 24 hr 0 min.This train runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.It has 169 halts.This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car.Final chart for 16536 is prepared usually 3-4 hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning.

Average delay of 16536 GOLGUMBAZ EXP

GOLGUMBAZ EXP departs from Pandharpur at 13:00 pm with an average delay of No Delay and arrives at at 10:45 am with an average delay of No Delay.The average delay of 16536 is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days.You can also check PNR status for tickets booked in GOLGUMBAZ EXP.