Indian Railways have started special trains to enable passengers to go from one city to another for COVID duration. These trains are rajdhani like trains and will be having only air conditioned classes. Only confirmed seats will be allotted in these trains. No waiting list or RAC tickets will be issued. No concessional fare allowed. Also Tatkal and Premium Tatkal quota booking wont be permitted in these trains. The passengers travelling on the train will be screened for coronavirus and those found asymptomatic will be allowed to travel.Railway board has also added that it will be mandatory for all the passengers to keep his or her mouth covered by a face cover. 1 covid train runs from Chennai to Jajpur Keonjhar Road - TEN SHM SF SPL (06087).
Chennai to Jajpur Keonjhar Road TEN SHM SF SPL (06087) departs from Perambur station (PER) at and arrives Jajpur Keonjhar Road station (JJKR) at .