It’s all about making informed decisions.
Trainman is the guy you count on when it comes to Indian Railways. It is an effort to provide train related intelligence in making your decisions while planning your train journeys. It goes beyond the common notion of berth availability in trains and guides you further even if berths are not available. For now, Trainman tells you whether to book a waiting ticket or not, by giving you chances of confirmation in that train. It also allows you to compare waiting tickets of various trains. Trainman also gives you confirmation chances of an already booked ticket
Well, it’s simple… How does any human do it?
Scientific prediction, in general, is based on simply mimicking the human way of predicting things i.e. learn from past experiences and apply those learnings to the present context. Train seat confirmation prediction is no different. Trainman keeps on learning from current trends in train ticket bookings and the ups and downs in ticket confirmation scenarios and tries to fit it to a mathematical form, which it reuses at the time of prediction.
Likeliness to confirmation.
Normally, a confirmation chance of above 65% (green color) implies high chances of ticket confirmation. Chances between 50% and 65% (yellow color) imply less surety, while those below 50% (red color) imply very unlikely chances of confirmation.
It's pretty accurate.
As with all kinds of predictions, there is never any guarantee. But, Trainman has been tested over 5 million pnrs and found to be correct with an average accuracy of around 83%. In some trains, the accuracy was found to be over 90%. Therefore, it gives the user a decent idea about what decisions to make while booking a train.
Historical Data.
Average delay.
The clock icon represents a train's punctuality at a particular station. If the average delay of a train at this station over last 7 days is greater than 2 hours, this icon turns red, otherwise it is green. This is trainman's way of providing your train's punctuality status at your fingertips.