Indian Railways have started special trains to enable passengers to go from one city to another for COVID duration. These trains are rajdhani like trains and will be having only air conditioned classes. Only confirmed seats will be allotted in these trains. No waiting list or RAC tickets will be issued. No concessional fare allowed. Also Tatkal and Premium Tatkal quota booking wont be permitted in these trains. The passengers travelling on the train will be screened for coronavirus and those found asymptomatic will be allowed to travel.Railway board has also added that it will be mandatory for all the passengers to keep his or her mouth covered by a face cover. 1 covid train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - BVC BDTS SPL (09208).
Ahmedabad to Surat BVC BDTS SPL (09208) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at .
Duronto express is a newer premium class of train which runs as fast as Rajdhanis. Duronto word comes from restless in Bengali as these trains had no intermediate commercial stops when they started. But since Indian Railways incurred losses for these trains, some technical stops were converted to commercial stops. On some routes (such as Delhi-Kolkata) they take lesser time than corresponding Rajdhani express. Unlike rajdhani some durontos also have non-air conditioned sleeper class. Thus, Duronto trains have classes First AC (1A), AC II-tier, AC III-tier and Sleeper. Bed-rolls in sleeper class of Mixed Duronto Express trains will be supplied to passengers on demand, on payment of stipulated charges. Duronto trains are distinguished by vibrant and colorful vinyl coating on the outer surface of the coaches. 1 duronto train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - Ahmedabad Pune Duronto Express (12297).
Ahmedabad to Surat Ahmedabad Pune Duronto Express (12297) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . Ahmedabad to Surat duronto fare is Rs.1420 in First AC, Rs.855 in Second AC and Rs.625 in Third AC for this train which includes meal charges also.
Shatabdi express is a premium category full air-conditioned train that connects important cities of India. These are the fastest trains in India which can run at over 150 kmph. These trains runs for short distances only and are not for overnight journeys. Shatabdi trains have only seating arrangements. They are equipped with safer LHB coaches. The first Shatabdi Express train was introduced in 1988 to commemorate the birth centenary of Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. These train offers catering facilities and the food fare is included in ticket cost. Shatabdi trains have classes Chair Car (CC) and Executive Class(EC). These are best alternative to bus journeys. 1 shatabdi train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - MMCT SHATABDI EX (12010).
Ahmedabad to Surat MMCT SHATABDI EX (12010) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at .
The concept of Garib Rath started with the vision to provide air conditioned berths at a comparatively low price for the people who could not afford to travel in AC coaches. Garib-rath phrase translates to poor man's chariot in English. The fare in this train is almost two-thirds of regular third ac fare. Usually Garib Rath have Third AC (3A) class only excepting some 1-2 trains which also have Chair Car (CC) class. The compartments of these train coaches have 9 berths making an extra space for side middle berth which is not there in any other train in India. In case passengers want to have bedrolls they need to pay separately for it. Some garib-raths run as fast as rajdhani, but they have lesser priority for track clearance compared to them. These trains are painted green with a yellow colored strip along the window panes. 1 garib-rath train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - BDTS GARIB RATH (12215).
Ahmedabad to Surat BDTS GARIB RATH (12215) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . This train has 0 stoppages. Ahmedabad to Surat garib-rath fare is Rs.395 in Third AC for this train.
Double decker express, as the name suggests, are 2 storeyed trains that can accommodate more number of passengers compared to other express or mail trains. These trains ply between important cities which are just a few hundred kilometres apart. These are fully AC coaches and have only seating facilities with Chair Car (CC) class. There is a ladder to climb up the upper deck of coach. These trains do not offer catering facilities. Double-decker Trains are usually painted in vibrant yellow and red color while some other express trains also have double decker non ac coaches. 1 double-decker train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - MMCT DOUBLEDECKE (12932).
Ahmedabad to Surat MMCT DOUBLEDECKE (12932) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . Ahmedabad to Surat double-decker fare is Rs.425 in Chair Car for this train.
Humsafar trains are long distance superfast trains that traverses overnight journeys. This is a new concept by the Indian Railways. Some Humsafar trains also run for more than 24 hours. Keeping in mind the middle class travellers, Humsafar was launched last year by the Former Railway Minister Mr. Suresh Prabhu. It has only Third AC class coach and have optional meal service. This train follows dynamic pricing meaning fare increases as the seat availability decreases. However, these trains hold lesser priority than Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains. Humsafar trains are equipped with modern day amenities and enhanced safety features. There are CCTV cameras fitted in every coach of Humsafar trains and there are charging points for each berth. One can also see current running speed of train on the LEDs fitted above doors. These trains are characterized by beautiful graffiti paint with vibrant sky blue color on outer surface of coaches. 7 humsafar trains run from Ahmedabad to Surat - ADI MAS HUMSAFAR (22920), Barmer Bandra Terminus Humsafar Express (12998), Gandhidham Tirunelveli Humsafar Express (20924), BGKT BDTS HMSFR (20944), Barmer Bandra Terminus Humsafar SF Express (21902), Shri Ganganagar Tiruchchirappalli Humsafar Express (22497) and BDTS HUMSAFAR (22924).
Ahmedabad to Surat ADI MAS HUMSAFAR (22920) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.620 in Third AC, Rs.225 in Sleeper and Rs.130 in Second Seater for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat Barmer Bandra Terminus Humsafar Express (12998) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . This train has 0 stoppages. Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.620 in Third AC and Rs.225 in Sleeper for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat Gandhidham Tirunelveli Humsafar Express (20924) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.575 in Third AC and Rs.195 in Sleeper for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat BGKT BDTS HMSFR (20944) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . This train has 0 stoppages. Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.575 in Third AC, Rs.195 in Sleeper and Rs.115 in Second Seater for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat Barmer Bandra Terminus Humsafar SF Express (21902) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . This train has 0 stoppages. Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.575 in Third AC and Rs.195 in Sleeper for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat Shri Ganganagar Tiruchchirappalli Humsafar Express (22497) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . This train has 0 stoppages. Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.620 in Third AC for this train.
Ahmedabad to Surat BDTS HUMSAFAR (22924) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at . Ahmedabad to Surat humsafar fare is Rs.620 in Third AC and Rs.225 in Sleeper for this train.
Tejas is semi-high speed express train that was launched in July 2017. This is a new concept train which is fully AC and has modern amenities onboard like LED TV beside each seat, tea and coffee vending machines. This train hails for short journeys and have only seating arrangements with Chair Car (CC) and Executive Class (EC) classes of travel. Ticket fare is little higher for these trains. Tejas trains are painted in bright yellow color and have sun rays inscribed on the outer surface of coaches. Tejas is a sanskrit word meaning Sharp and vibrant which reflects the modern day facilities of this train. 1 tejas train runs from Ahmedabad to Surat - IRCTC TEJAS EXP (82902).
Ahmedabad to Surat IRCTC TEJAS EXP (82902) departs from Ahmedabad Jn station (ADI) at and arrives Surat station (ST) at .