For confirmed train ticket booking, use the Trainman app (an IRCTC authorised partner). Increase your chances of receiving confirmed IRCTC train tickets by using our PNR prediction feature with 95% accuracy.
Book tickets with the Trainman app and enjoy additional benefits such as instant refund on cancellation, PNR status, and confirmation notification with train lives running status, and dedicated 24X7 customer service.
With over 8 million plus downloads and over 1mn plus confirmed train ticket booking, Trainman is India’s premier train ticket booking website. Our goal is to combine all rail, coach, and other travel services into a single, easy-to-use experience so that people can get accurate and smart, real-time travel information while on the go.
Trainman allows you to book train tickets from the comfort of your own home in just a few clicks. You no longer have to stand in long lines to book train tickets because Trainman has made online railway train ticket booking simple, quick, and secure.
With us, you can book trains to any location, class, or train type. On Trainman, look up information like the train departure and arrival times between two specific destinations, as well as the train's PNR status. We strive to provide simple services that provide you with a stress-free train booking experience. Travelers can easily locate relevant trains, fares for various classes, schedules, and seat availability, as well as booking a train ticket online easily.
We stay one step ahead of the curve so our customers are too. We make it easier for them to buy the best ticket for their journey by providing them with real-time, personalized travel information on the go via the Trainman app.
The following features are included in our mobile app: Train Search - Seat/Berth Availability with Predictions, PNR Status with Confirmation Predictions, Time Table/Schedule with Offline Access Alternate Options, Seat Availability.