
Bhubaneswar To Ranchi Trains

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      Book Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Train Ticket

      Exploring India by train offers not only immense scenic beauty and a comfortable journey, but also a reliable and convenient way to travel. When it comes to traveling between Bhubaneswar and Ranchi, Trainman is your premier partner for booking train tickets easily and efficiently. Among the popular trains running on this route are the 02832 BBS DHN SPL and 18452 TAPASWINI EXPRE, with a total of 2.0 trains per week ensuring connectivity. For those looking for 'Bhubaneswar to Ranchi trains' and 'Bhubaneswar to Ranchi trains ticket', Trainman provides a seamless booking experience, making your journey hassle-free and enjoyable.

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      • BBS DHN SPL
        M T W T F S S
        10h 05m
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        M T W T F S S
        14h 15m
        Select Date

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How many trains are available on this route?
      There are 2 trains available on the route from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi.
      What are the different classes of train travel, and what are their amenities?
      The different classes of train travel include All Classes, First AC, Executive Vistadome AC, Executive Class, Executive Anubhuti, Second AC, Third AC, First Class, Third Economy, Sleeper, Chair Car, Second Seater, Vistadome Non AC Class. The amenities offered vary depending on the class of travel. The higher classes offer air-conditioned coaches, personalised meal service, and spacious seating.
      Which trains are running from bhubaneswar to ranchi daily?
      The trains running daily from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi are BBS DHN SPL, TAPASWINI EXP.
      What is the travel distance and travel time from bhubaneswar to ranchi?
      The travel distance between Bhubaneswar and Ranchi is 615 km, with a travel time of 10h 05m and .
      How many weekly trains run from bhubaneswar to ranchi?
      No weekly trains run from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi.
      How do you book Tatkal tickets from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi?
      You can book Bhubaneswar to Ranchi trains Ticket Online by using the IRCTC website or through the Trainman app.
      What is the fastest train from bhubaneswar to ranchi?
      The fastest train from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi is the BBS DHN SPL, taking 10:05.
      What is the cheapest train from bhubaneswar to ranchi?
      The cheapest train from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi is the BBS DHN SPL.
      When does the first bhubaneswar to ranchi train leave?
      The first train leaving Bhubaneswar for Ranchi is the BBS DHN SPL, departing at 20:25.
      When does the last bhubaneswar to ranchi leave?
      The first train leaving Bhubaneswar for Ranchi is the 18452 TAPASWINI EXP, departing at 21:45.

      A Comprehensive Guide to Booking Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Train Tickets

      Booking your train tickets from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi has never been more convenient with Trainman, our user-friendly website and app guide you through a seamless booking process. Simply enter your travel details and choose the best train for your journey. Trainman supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, and net banking, ensuring flexibility for all travelers. Once your booking is confirmed, an email with the e-ticket attached will be sent directly to you, making your travel preparations smooth and hassle-free.

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      Trains between Bhubaneswar to Ranchi

      Every week, the Bhubaneswar to Ranchi route is served by 2 , ensuring reliable and consistent travel options for passengers. Among these, notable trains include the 19037 AVADH EXP,19038 AVADH EXPRESS,15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP,15910 AVADH ASSAM EXP,12925 PASCHIM EXPRESS,11062 JYG LTT EXP,11061 LTT JAYNAGAR EXP,12926 PASCHIM EXPRESS,12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP , alongside many other services catering to diverse travel needs. Booking through Trainman provides travelers not only with an easy reservation process but also access to comprehensive information on train schedules, availability, and journey comforts shared across all these trains.

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      Types of Trains between Bhubaneswar to Ranchi

      Two main categories of trains operate on the route between Bhubaneswar and Ranchi: superfast trains and express trains. Superfast trains, including examples such as 02832 BBS DHN SPL and 18452 TAPASWINI EXPRE, are designed for speed and efficiency, taking less time to reach Ranchi due to fewer stops. These trains are equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable journey for passengers. On the other hand, express trains, which also include the 02832 BBS DHN SPL and 18452 TAPASWINI EXPRE among others, cater to travelers prioritizing budget over time. While these trains take longer to reach their destination due to more frequent stops, they remain a reliable and cost-effective choice for many.

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      Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Trains Timings

      Traveling from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi by train can vary in duration. The journey time depends on the specific train you choose. For instance, the 02832 BBS DHN SPL completes the journey in approximately 10 hours and 05 minutes, while the 18452 TAPASWINI EXPRE takes around 13 hours and 05 minutes. To find out the exact duration of your trip, we recommend checking the Trainman app or website for precise details on this and other trains operating on the same route, ensuring a well-informed travel plan tailored to your schedule.

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      Popular Trains between Bhubaneswar to Ranchi

      The 19037 AVADH EXP offers a direct connection from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi, ensuring passengers experience a smooth and efficient journey with amenities targeted towards comfort. The 19038 AVADH EXPRESS is renowned for its reliability and punctuality, making it a preferred choice for travelers seeking a dependable travel option on this route. Both trains provide a blend of convenience and affordability, enhancing the travel experience while also offering various classes of travel to cater to different budgetary requirements.

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      Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Trains ticket price

      Ticket prices for trains running from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi can vary widely depending on several factors, including the class of travel you choose, the type of train, and how early you are booking your tickets. The cost of tickets fluctuates based on factors such as demand and seat availability. We encourage travelers to visit Trainman's website to check the current ticket prices before booking, as doing so allows you to secure the best deals and discounts by planning ahead.

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      Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Trains Seat Availability

      Trainman offers the unique feature of displaying percentage-wise availability of seats for trains running from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi, enabling passengers to book their tickets with confidence and ensure they secure a seat in advance. This invaluable service extends across various classes of travel including All Classes,First AC,Executive Vistadome AC,Executive Class,Executive Anubhuti,Second AC,Third AC,First Class,Third Economy,Sleeper,Chair Car,Second Seater,Vistadome Non AC, ensuring that every traveler finds a suitably comfortable and affordable option. Moreover, the inclusion of 'Bhubaneswar to Ranchi trains seat availability' as a key search term on Trainman's platform not only simplifies the booking process but also optimizes it for those seeking specific travel accommodations on this route.

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      Book Bhubaneswar to Ranchi Trains

      • Booking tickets with Trainman online is not only straightforward but also ensures you have a convenient booking experience. The process is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for everyone to use.
      • 1. Visit the Trainman website or download the Trainman app to begin your journey toward a hassle-free ticket booking experience.
      • 2. Enter 'Bhubaneswar' as your origin and 'Ranchi' as your destination, along with your planned travel date, to start exploring your options.
      • 3. Select the train that best suits your schedule from the list of trains operating on the Bhubaneswar to Ranchi route. Consider timings, seat availability, and fare before making a decision.
      • 4. Choose your preferred class of travel. Whether you are looking to book Bhubaneswar to Ranchi sleeper class train ticket or book Bhubaneswar to Ranchi 3AC train ticket, the choice is yours based on your comfort and budget preferences.
      • 5. Enter the passenger details accurately to ensure there are no issues with your booking. This information is crucial for the confirmation of your ticket.
      • 6. Make the payment through one of the several secure payment options available. Rest assured, your transaction is safe with Trainman.
      • 7. Once your train ticket has been successfully booked, you will receive a confirmation message directly on your registered mobile number or email address. This message serves as evidence of your booking and should be kept safely.
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      Things to do in Ranchi

      In Ranchi, visitors have a range of entertaining activities to choose from. Movie enthusiasts can catch the latest releases at the vibrant multiplexes scattered across the city. For those who enjoy being close to nature, numerous parks offer serene picnicking spots and leisurely walks among lush greenery. Adventure seekers can test their limits at rock climbing facilities and explore sprawling outdoor adventures at local campsites. Additionally, shoppers can immerse themselves in local markets to find unique handicrafts and sample traditional cuisine, providing a full experience of Ranchi’s cultural offerings.

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      Places to visit in Ranchi

      Ranchi, the heart of Jharkhand, is home to several must-visit destinations that captivate tourists. The Rock Garden, ingeniously crafted out of industrial waste and rocks, displays an inventive approach to art and is a testament to eco-friendly practices. Jagannath Temple, perched on a hilltop, offers breathtaking views besides its spiritual significance. For nature lovers, Dassam Falls presents a majestic natural spectacle, with crystal-clear waters plunging from a height. The Tagore Hill not only mesmerizes visitors with panoramic views of the city but also holds cultural importance, being associated with the revered poet Rabindranath Tagore. Lastly, the Birsa Zoological Park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, offering close encounters with various species in a thoughtfully designed habitat.

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      Important Tips

      • 1. Plan your journey in advance and book tickets up to 120 days before your travel date. Booking early not only ensures you get a seat on the train from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi but may also offer you the advantage of securing lower-priced tickets. Trains can fill up quickly, especially during peak travel seasons, making advance reservations a smart choice.
      • 2. Choose the right train based on your travel preferences. Some trains may reach your destination faster due to fewer stops along the way, while others might take a bit longer but could provide more convenience with additional stopovers. Reviewing the schedule and route of each train operating between Bhubaneswar and Ranchi on Trainman will help you select the most suitable option for your needs.
      • 3. Always carry a valid ID proof, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport, when travelling. This is mandatory for train travel in India and your ticket will be cancelled without it. This rule is in place to enhance the security of all passengers, including you. Make sure your identification is readily accessible during your journey.
      • 4. Consider the class of service that best matches your comfort and budget needs. Trains offer various classes of service ranging from luxurious AC tiers to more economical Sleeper and Seating options. Each class comes with different facilities, seating arrangements, and pricing. Assessing these aspects beforehand on Trainman can greatly improve your travel experience from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi.
      • 5. Stay informed about any changes to train schedules, which are subject to alterations due to various reasons such as weather conditions or maintenance works. Keep an eye on updates through Trainman to ensure smooth travel plans. Staying updated helps you to manage any unforeseen changes efficiently, ensuring a stress-free journey.
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      Booking a ticket for trains running from Bhubaneswar to Ranchi has never been more straightforward and trouble-free, thanks to Trainman. With its user-friendly booking process, travelers can secure their journey quickly without any complications. This ensures a smooth travel experience, making Trainman the go-to service for affordable, convenient, and comfortable train journeys across India.

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