
Vijayawada To Kollam Trains

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      Book Vijayawada to Kollam Train Ticket

      Discover the charm of train travel through India with a journey from Vijayawada to Kollam. Trains have long been a preferred mode of transport, offering not only comfort and affordability but an opportunity to witness the country's diverse landscapes. When planning your trip on this route, Trainman stands out as your ultimate booking platform, ensuring a seamless experience. Among the esteemed trains serving this corridor are 22504 VIVEK EXPRESS, 12644 SWRN JAYNTI EXP, and 12626 KERALA EXPRESS, contributing to a total of 12.0 trains available per week. For those searching for "Vijayawada to Kollam trains" or "Vijayawada to Kollam trains ticket", Trainman offers an unrivaled service, making your travel planning as smooth as the journeys it facilitates.

        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 20m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 17m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        21h 37m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        21h 17m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 07m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        20h 27m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
      • BSP TEN SF EXP
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        20h 42m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 07m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 17m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 17m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        22h 40m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
      • VSKP QLN EXP
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        23h 45m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
      • TBM CBE SPL
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        24h 05m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Vijayawada Jn
        21h 52m
        Kollam Jn
        Select Date

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How many trains are available on this route?
      There are 14 trains available on the route from Vijayawada to Kollam.
      What are the different classes of train travel, and what are their amenities?
      The different classes of train travel include All Classes, First AC, Executive Vistadome AC, Executive Class, Executive Anubhuti, Second AC, Third AC, First Class, Third Economy, Sleeper, Chair Car, Second Seater, Vistadome Non AC Class. The amenities offered vary depending on the class of travel. The higher classes offer air-conditioned coaches, personalised meal service, and spacious seating.
      Which trains are running from vijayawada to kollam daily?
      The daily trains running from Vijayawada to Kollam are KERALA EXPRESS, VIVEK EXPRESS.
      What is the travel distance and travel time from vijayawada to kollam?
      The travel distance from Vijayawada to Kollam is 1203 km, with a total travel time of approximately 20h 42m and .
      How many weekly trains run from vijayawada to kollam?
      There are 9 weekly trains that run from Vijayawada to Kollam, ensuring flexibility in travel plans.
      How do you book Tatkal tickets from Vijayawada to Kollam?
      You can book Vijayawada to Kollam trains Ticket Online by using the IRCTC website or through the Trainman app.
      What is the fastest train from vijayawada to kollam?
      The fastest train from Vijayawada to Kollam is VIVEK EXPRESS, taking around 20:27 to reach its destination.
      What is the cheapest train from vijayawada to kollam?
      The cheapest train on the Vijayawada to Kollam route is SCL TVC EXPRESS.
      When does the first vijayawada to kollam train leave?
      The first train departing Vijayawada towards Kollam is BSP TEN SF EXP, leaving at 02:00.
      When does the last vijayawada to kollam leave?
      The first train departing Vijayawada towards Kollam is 12626 KERALA EXPRESS, leaving at 22:25.

      A Comprehensive Guide to Booking Vijayawada to Kollam Train Tickets

      Booking your train tickets from Vijayawada to Kollam through Trainman offers unparalleled convenience, whether you opt to use our user-friendly website or mobile application. Simply enter your travel specifics and select the preferred train that fits your schedule. Trainman accepts a wide array of payment options including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, and net banking, ensuring a seamless transaction process for every traveler. Once your booking is successfully processed, an email confirmation along with your e-ticket will be promptly sent to you.

      Trains between Vijayawada to Kollam

      Every week, 14 provide services on the route from Vijayawada to Kollam, ensuring a variety of options for travelers. Among these, some well-known trains are 19037 AVADH EXP,19038 AVADH EXPRESS,15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP,15910 AVADH ASSAM EXP,12925 PASCHIM EXPRESS,11062 JYG LTT EXP,11061 LTT JAYNAGAR EXP,12926 PASCHIM EXPRESS,12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP , along with other notable choices. Booking through Trainman offers convenient access to these train travels, making it easier for commuters to find a suitable option that caters to their preferences for cheap, convenient, and comfortable travel.

      Types of Trains between Vijayawada to Kollam

      For travelers planning a journey from Vijayawada to Kollam, Trainman showcases two primary types of trains: superfast trains and express trains. Superfast trains, such as the SCL TVC EXPRESS,RAPTISAGAR EXP,KERALA EXPRESS,SWRN JAYNTI EXP,GURUDEV EXP,VIVEK EXPRESS,BSP TEN SF EXP,SHM TVC SUF EXP,INDB KCVL SF EXP,KRBA KCVL EXP,VSKP QLN SF SPL, are designed to cover distances swiftly, making fewer stops and thereby reaching Kollam in a shorter duration compared to their counterparts. These trains not only promise a quicker journey but also feature modern amenities geared towards ensuring passengers experience a higher level of comfort throughout their travel. On the other hand, express trains represent an ideal choice for travelers who prioritize budget over time. Although express trains, including examples such as the 22619 BSP TEN SF EXP and the 12644 SWRN JAYNTI EXP, make more frequent stops and take a longer time to reach their destination, they provide a cost-effective solution without significantly compromising on the overall travel experience.

      Vijayawada to Kollam Trains Timings

      The duration a train takes from Vijayawada to Kollam differs based on the specific service chosen. For detailed and specific duration information of each train, we encourage you to visit the Trainman app or website. For instance, popular trains operating on this route include the VIVEK EXPRESS (22504) with a travel time of 20 hours and 28 minutes, SWRN JAYNTI EXP (12644) taking 20 hours and 47 minutes, and KERALA EXPRESS (12626), which covers the distance in 21 hours and 37 minutes.

      Popular Trains between Vijayawada to Kollam

      The 19037 AVADH EXP ensures a timely journey with its consistent schedule and offers amenities to enhance your comfort. The 19038 AVADH EXPRESS not only prioritizes speed, ensuring a swift passage from Vijayawada to Kollam, but also focuses on passenger comfort through its service. Lastly, the 15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP is renowned for both its punctuality and the quality of services provided onboard, making it an excellent choice for travelers seeking efficiency and comfortable travel.

      Vijayawada to Kollam Trains ticket price

      Ticket prices for trains running from Vijayawada to Kollam can fluctuate based on several factors including the class of travel, the type of train, and seat availability. To ensure you're getting the most up-to-date and affordable rates, we strongly advise checking the cost of tickets directly on Trainman's website before booking. Moreover, booking your ticket in advance through Trainman can lead to substantial savings and incredible discounts, making your journey not only smoother but also more economical.

      Vijayawada to Kollam Trains Seat Availability

      At Trainman, we provide a detailed and easy-to-use platform that displays the percentage-wise availability of seats for trains operating between Vijayawada and Kollam. This unique feature ensures that passengers can plan their journey in advance by checking and booking their tickets in various classes including All Classes,First AC,Executive Vistadome AC,Executive Class,Executive Anubhuti,Second AC,Third AC,First Class,Third Economy,Sleeper,Chair Car,Second Seater,Vistadome Non AC. With real-time data on 'Vijayawada to Kollam trains seat availability', securing your seat has never been more straightforward and hassle-free.

      Book Vijayawada to Kollam Trains

      • Booking train tickets is a breeze when you use Trainman, either online via their website or through the app. It offers a user-friendly interface and streamlined process to secure your travel in just a few clicks.
      • 1. Visit the Trainman website or download the Trainman mobile app on your smartphone.
      • 2. Enter Vijayawada in the origin field and Kollam in the destination field, along with your planned date of travel.
      • 3. Browse through the list of trains running from Vijayawada to Kollam. You can filter the results based on timings, seat availability, and fare. This step helps you identify the perfect train that suits your schedule and budget.
      • 4. After selecting your preferred train, choose the class of travel you are interested in. Whether you aim to book Vijayawada to Kollam sleeper class train ticket for a comfortable overnight journey or prefer the convenience of booking Vijayawada to Kollam 3AC train ticket for a bit more comfort and amenities, Trainman has got you covered.
      • 5. Next, input the passenger details accurately. These include the name, age, and gender of each traveler. If you have any specific preferences or requirements, such as a lower berth for a senior citizen traveling with you, indicate these at this stage.
      • 6. Proceed to make the payment using one of the multiple secure payment options available on Trainman. The platform ensures your transaction is safe, offering peace of mind.
      • 7. Once your payment is successfully processed, your train ticket booking will be confirmed. You will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number or email address, containing all essential journey details.

      Things to do in Kollam

      Kollam, a vibrant city in Kerala, offers a variety of entertainment options for visitors. Those interested can delve into its rich cultural heritage by attending traditional Kathakali performances, a captivating form of classical dance-drama known worldwide for its elaborate costumes and expressive storytelling. Adventure enthusiasts can explore the backwaters on houseboats, enjoying serene waterscapes while experiencing a unique stay. The bustling markets of Kollam are perfect for shoppers, offering an array of spices, handicrafts, and the famous Kollam cashews. For families and leisure seekers, the sandy Thirumullavaram Beach provides a peaceful retreat to relax, swim, and watch spectacular sunsets.

      Places to visit in Kollam

      Kollam is home to several must-visit destinations that showcase its natural beauty and cultural heritage. The Ashtamudi Lake, renowned for its panoramic views and palm-shaped waterways, is an ideal spot for backwater cruises and fishing activities. The Palaruvi Waterfall, surrounded by lush greenery, offers a mesmerizing experience with its soothing waters cascading from a height, making it a perfect picnic spot. The Thangassery Light House, standing tall at the coastline, gives visitors a chance to witness breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea, especially at dusk. Finally, the Jatayu Earth’s Center not only captivates with its gigantic sculpture of Jatayu from the epic Ramayana but also provides adventure sports, digital museum tours, and a scenic cable car ride.

      Important Tips

      • 1. Plan ahead and book early. Trainman recommends booking your train tickets from Vijayawada to Kollam up to 120 days in advance. This not only ensures that you secure your preferred seats but also can help you take advantage of the lower prices that are often available for early bookings.
      • 2. Choose the right train for your needs. Some trains traveling from Vijayawada to Kollam are faster, while others stop at more stations along the way. Consider what is most important for your journey: a quicker trip or perhaps a more scenic route with extra stops that allow you to see more sights. Review the options on Trainman to make an informed decision.
      • 3. Always carry valid identification. When traveling on any train from Vijayawada to Kollam, it is mandatory to have a valid ID proof such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport. Without this, the rail authorities may cancel your ticket at the time of travel. Keep your ID handy for hassle-free travel.
      • 4. Look out for discounts and offers. Trainman often has details on special promotions, discounts, or deals for train travel. Checking the website regularly or subscribing to notifications could save you money on your tickets from Vijayawada to Kollam.
      • 5. Stay informed about your train schedule. Train schedules can sometimes change due to various factors such as weather conditions or maintenance work on the tracks. It is advisable to check your train status on Trainman a day before and a few hours prior to your departure. Staying updated helps in managing your travel plans effectively.


      Booking a ticket for trains running from Vijayawada to Kollam has become incredibly easy with Trainman. Their streamlined booking process ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing passengers to secure their travels quickly and efficiently. This simplicity, along with accurate, user-friendly information, makes Trainman the go-to solution for convenient travel planning.