AGTL GHY SPL (05628) runs from Agartala to Guwahati. It departs from Agartala station (AGTL) at and arrives at Guwahati station (GHY) at . AGTL GHY SPL takes 24 hrs to cover the distance of 571 km between Agartala and Guwahati. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 23.791666666666668 kmph. It has classes Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A), Sleeper (SL) and Second Seater (2S). This train runs on Thursday. Final chart for AGTL GHY SPL is prepared at Agartala usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
AGTL GHY SPL 05628 coach position
AGTL GHY SPL runs with an LHB Rake and has a total of 22 coaches. It has 4 second seating unreserved coaches, 10 sleeper coaches, 1 pantry car coach and 5 third ac coaches. The engine of the train reverses at Lumding Jn station. The full coach composition is:
Guwahati is the largest city of Assam and North East India. It is also known as city of temples as there are numerous Hindu temples. Kamakhya Temple is a must visit place in the city. Guwahati has been acting as the pseudo capital for the state of Assam. The Fancy Bazar area of Guwahati is known for the abundance of Marwari community here, shopping hub, food items like Momos, Thukpa, Chat corners, Pastas etc. Beli View - a sunset point in Guwahati by the river Brahmaputra is again a lively place to visit during evening. Guwahati International Airport (Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi Intl Airport) is the primary airport of the North Eastern states of India.