TATA KIR SPL (08181) runs from Tatanagar to Katihar Jn. It departs from Tatanagar Jn station (TATA) at from platform 2 and arrives at Katihar Jn station (KIR) at . TATA KIR SPL takes 24 hrs to cover the distance of 506 km between Tatanagar and Katihar Jn. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 21.083333333333332 kmph. It has classes Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A), Third Economy (3E) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs on Wednesday. Final chart for TATA KIR SPL is prepared at Tatanagar usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
TATA KIR SPL 08181 coach position
TATA KIR SPL runs with an LHB Rake and has a total of 20 coaches. It has 2 second seating unreserved coaches, 4 sleeper coaches, 1 pantry car coach, 4 third ac coaches and 2 second ac coaches. The engine of the train reverses at Andal Jn station. The full coach composition is:
The steel city of India Tatanagar was founded by Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata and is also known as Jamshedpur. The city has plethora of industries namely Tata steel, Tata Motors, Lafarge Cement, Tata Power, TCS, Praxair to name a few. It is first planned industrial city of India. The city is served by railways and roads well and have a small airport set up called Sonari Airport which is primarily used to bring chartered planes of Tata group.