Thiruvananthapuram to Mangalore MAVELI EXPRESS 16604 timing
MAVELI EXPRESS (16604) runs from Thiruvananthapuram to Mangalore. It departs from Trivandrum Central station (TVC) at from platform 2 and arrives at Mangalore Cntl station (MAQ) at on platform 2. MAVELI EXPRESS takes 24 hrs to cover the distance of 620 km between Thiruvananthapuram and Mangalore. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 25.833333333333332 kmph. It has classes First AC (1A), Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs daily. Final chart for MAVELI EXPRESS is prepared at Thiruvananthapuram usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
MAVELI EXPRESS 16604 coach position
MAVELI EXPRESS runs with an ICF Rake and has a total of 23 coaches. It has 11 sleeper coaches, 4 third ac coaches, 1 second ac coach and 1 first ac cum second ac coach. The full coach composition is:
Mangalore is a chief port city on the Arabian Sea in the Indian state of Karnataka. Mangalore got its name from the local deity Mangala Devi. Manalore has many tourist spots, temples, churches water parts and beaches. This city is called by different names in different languages. This is the only city in the world to have 9 different names for the same city. Mangalore is well connected not just by railways and roads but also by airways both domestic and international and sea ports.